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Your Click Factor® defined.

Your Click Factor® defined.

If you’ve been wondering how to get more Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest LIKEs, you’re in the right place.

Social Media is fast becoming the number one place to market your products and services. That’s why it’s so important to know how to reach hundreds of people and grow more loyal fans every day. 

As a social sales coach, I’ve taught hundreds of business owners, consultants, and influencers how to use Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to build brand awareness, nurture fan loyalty, and increase sales. The key ingredient is your Click Factor®.

Your success with social sales is all in the numbers.  The most important social sales number to consider is your Click Factor®.  So how do you compute your Click Factor®? Your Click Factor measures the number of post views divided by the number of Clicks it generates. Your Click Factor® is what determines how often your social media fans click the LIKE button.

A little background . . .

The latest statistics show that, globally, in 2021, people now spend an average of 2 hours and 32 minutes per day on social media. That’s much more time than most people spend with local community groups, churches, or visiting friends.

The bottom line – Improving your Click Factor® can increase the number of clicks

your posts receive.

To get started you’ll need to understand what motivates your fans to click the LIKE button.  Click Factor ® – How To Get More Social Media LIKES AND GROW MORE LOYAL FANS will introduce you to the 10 Reasons People Look at Social Media. And you’ll also discover the 7 Top Reasons They Click so you’ll know what kind of photos to post and how to compose post content that will resonate with your fans. Once you know what fans are looking for and what to include in your posts, you’re on your way to attracting more LIKEs and loyal fans.

Click Factor ® – How To Get More Social Media LIKES AND GROW MORE LOYAL FANS takes the guess work out of what kinds of phots and write on your posts because it includes This eBook features dozens of sample post phots and written content.  Social sales success has never been easier.

Click Factor ® – How To Get More Social Media LIKES AND GROW MORE LOYAL FANS is available for free through Amazon for a limited time.

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