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Fetch Great Quotes is happy to share this collection of beautifully illustrated African Proverbs with you. Our collection of 57 African Proverb photo quotes is designed to inspire and encourage you and your friends.
Proverbs are an important part of African culture. They’ve been handed down from generation to generation for thousands of years. They’ve valued for their ability to convey wisdom with so few words.
While most are brief, they express ancient wisdom that still applies to our daily lives. There is truth in every line. African proverbs use the language of the common man/woman to share bits of wisdom to help you walk more easily through life.
For thousands of years, proverbs have been used to illustrate ideas, reinforce arguments, deliver lessons, console, and uplift humanity. Most African proverbs tie natural surroundings like the earth animals to food for thought to make them more relevant to everyday life.
You’re welcome to share these richly illustrated African proverbs with your friends and colleagues. They’re designed to look great on your Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other social media pages.